This giant lampwork bead with the sterling silver core is special to me because when I decided I wanted to make these "pandora" style beads, I found some tools online to assist with the task of adding the sterling core for around $300. A never-ending cheapskate, I decided to make my own by filing down a giant nut/bolt combination and it works fine. Sure, it took a million hours, but it was free (I found it in the garage...I'm sure Lowell won't miss it) and that baby is allll mine.

This bead is made of six rows of glass that are all two layers deep. Layering with first an opaque and then translucent glass gives the bead some depth, and I think some people call them dragon scale beads. There is something about this layering that is mesmerizing to me, and I finally decided to keep it. Two views of the same pendant:

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